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Curriculum Arrived! | Newsletter #6


Updated: Mar 3

We have some news to share about the Kingdom work and how God is using us in Myanmar. Thank you for your partnership in prayers and support through Exodus Global Ministries. Below is an outline of what is highlighted in this newsletter:

  • Partnership with Promise International Academy

    • Visas

    • Teaching

  • Sports Ministry

    • Python MMA

    • Donated equipment/ computers/ mats eventually

    • Open doors

    • Saturday training in Hmawbi

  • Baptisms

    • EIA 9 children

  • Shipment Arrival

    • Curriculum

    • Books

    • Gym equipment

    • Tools, etc

  • 20th anniversary and testimony

    • Jesus saved me from death, divorce, and destruction

Partnership with Promise International Academy

We tried our best to get our long-term visas through the school we are running, but after 2 failed attempts (only got 70-day visas each time) we have chosen to partner with an established school here for visa purposes. Promise International Academy is an exceptional Bible-based school with over 200 students in only one of their multiple campuses. In exchange for the visa, I will be helping their schools out with their Physical Education program. I have committed to teach one class weekly to help train their P.E. teachers. I will also come up with a program they can use for all their schools. I see this is God’s plan. I will be able to run the school in Hmawbi every day, and cut out of school an hour early one day a week and help encourage and equip the coaches and students there, preaching the word and making disciples as I go. I really love sports ministry!

Sports Ministry

Sports ministry is a great way to preach the gospel and to make disciples. It is practical and relational, with coaches see the athletes on a regular basis. God has made it clear to me that at least part of my path is sports ministry. I have been going to Python MMA on the weekends when able. We have some wonderful friends there and I’ve been able to pray with the athletes and preach the gospel every time we’ve gone. I’ve also been able to take the boys and girls from All Nations home with us. We usually try to take a few each time. This helps the kids see what it means to be a witness for Jesus, and they have so much fun coming with us.

Another great thing about sports ministry is how it opens doors. Actually, we have had 3 donors through sports ministry here in Myanmar. The first donated 15 laptops for the school, as well as a few weights and mitts. Another donor from Kachin state came and donated 10 kick targets/ kick shields and several other useful pieces of equipment. A third donor who is one of our monthly supporters has committed to purchasing mats for the gym in the coming months.

This is all blessing from the LORD. I am very thankful to those who give their resources to support the mission here. It means a lot to me that you all trust us with your donations, and I take this very seriously. At the same time, I also know that Jesus is the One who is moving in your hearts to give support. My trust is 100% in God for the provision of this mission and to provide for my family. Matthew 6:33 “But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.”

We also started running practices at the school on Saturdays. I believe God wants us to make this a consistent thing. This will open doors to preach to and disciple so many young people. There are already 13 children’s homes that we have invited to workout on Saturdays, which means we can preach the word of God to hundreds of young people regularly. As this grows, we will add different levels and class times. And just like the school, everything is free of charge. We want our ministry to be a blessing to young men and women who cannot pay for things like private school or sports training.

Shipment Arrival

We are praising God for the arrival of the shipment that we sent back in March from Florida. It contained our ACE curriculum for the school. This was God’s timing as we have been able to work on the English language with the students and develop relationships with them all. Now the school will function differently and the students will each be focused on their own learning at their individual level. The shipment also contained many Christian literature, missionary, apologetics, science, and other books for the students to check out, read, and give oral and written reports on. And, the shipment also contained a lot of sports and martial arts equipment and my tools. I’m thinking about doing a building project with the students for a tree house at the school.


One day during our morning devotions, the Spirit directed me to preach on baptism and its relation to the gospel. Then I was prompted to ask the students who had been baptized. Only about 1/3 of the students raised their hands. I decided to teach on baptism the whole week. We went over passages that talked about the having our sins washed away (Acts 22:16), becoming a child of God (Gal. 3:36-27), the resurrected life (Rom. 6:3), and being baptized as an answer to God for having our conscience cleansed (1 Pet. 3:21). I offered baptisms that Friday to anyone who wanted, and I directed the others to talk with the pastors of their church about it. There were nine boys who responded and were baptized. Our supervisor James, who is a pastor, also decided to talk to his congregation about baptism and I will be helping him to do baptisms in the coming weeks.   

20th Anniversary and Testimony

As I write this, my family and I are flying back to Myanmar from Thailand. We had to get the new visas I mentioned above. The date happened to correspond with Tessa’s and my 20th anniversary. We had a wonderful time celebrating what God has done in our marriage. Just over eleven years ago, my life had spiraled to a low point. I was filled with anger, lust, worldliness, and selfishness. Tessa wanted a divorce and I was selfishly contemplating suicide. After a series of events that lead me to literally cry out to Jesus, God revealed Himself to me and I surrendered my life to Him. Jesus saved me from death, divorce, and destruction. From that day forward, my whole family was changed (Acts 16:31; 2 Cor. 5:17). Since then we have served the Lord wholeheartedly. All this is from God and is a testimony of the gospel of Jesus Christ.



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